So, as a teenager I know how important make-up can be in a girls life and getting started in the right way is key! I am going to share some of my tips to starting off wearing make-up and what sort of products you should be using at young age.
Ever since I was a toddler I have loved makeup, however I started to wear it properly when I was about 12 or 13, but I was clueless! Had no idea what each product did, if I needed it or how to apply it. Everybody says that beauty comes from within, and the best people will see that, however we like to feel confident in our bodies, and for many teens (who can feel insecure) make-up helps us gain that confidence. I am not saying that you should try and change yourself, make-up should be used as a tool to highlight your features and make them look their best!
When you are younger, your skin should be in a good condition, therefore there is no need to pile on layers of foundation. Foundation is there to smooth out skin and even out blemishes, you shouldn't need to do this but if you do want some coverage you could opt for a tinted moisteriser or a BB cream. These are a lot better for your skin and are easier to remove, talking of make-up removal, I think that as soon as you start to wear make-up, especially on your skin, you should be able to take it off. I would buy a gentle cleanser and make-up remover, otherwise your pores are likely to clog up and this will cause spots!
I think it is easiest and cheapest to apply a tinted moisteriser or BB cream with your fingers, this will give a more natural look because the heat from you hands should melt the product into your skin.
It is easy to go over the top with eye make-up, but believe me it is better to keep it natural, pencil eyeliner is a good place to start because it is an easy skill to pick up and you can do so much with it. It can run though, so invest in a waterproof eyeliner. It is hard to tell you where to put your eyeliner because the shape of everyone eyes is different, I would just experiment, try on the bottom and top to see which you like best but don't just draw around the outside of your eyes! Try to avoid eye-shadow at first because it can go wrong easily, try to pick up basic skills which you can use everyday. Mascara is always so tempting! It is important that you don't buy anything cheap because the formula can be very damaging to your lashes, at a young age they are likely to be full and long but using a bad quality mascara will damage them and thin them out a lot sooner!
Lipgloss seems to be the way to go for younger girls, however personally lipgloss always annoyed me! I prefer a lipbalm, this will be more moisterising and you can find plenty of tinted ones (The Body Shop do a great selection!) if you want to give your lips some colour. I suggest you stay away from lipstick at first because it can look bad if you are not used to applying something to your lips.
This seems to be everything (that I know anyway!). If you have any comments or suggestions I would love to hear from you, also tell me is this post was any good or if you have any of your own tips?
Anyway, hope you enjoy, I have been up until 23:36 writing this so I hope there aren't too many mistakes?!?
Em x
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