When I searched through some other blogs earlier today I found this post which teaches new bloggers how to build up their blog!
I thought this was a great idea because mine is really looking a bit amateur, it still is but it's improving. I added labels to my posts and a navigation bar (which I have been trying to do since I started this blog!). The link suggests a different background and header but to be honest I like mine how they are and it seems like a lot of fuss to get a different one, it also says a lot about adding in twitter and google plus details, I did add in my google plus which is on the side of my blog but i'm not sure how to use that yet so there probably isn't much point looking at it.
There is some knowledge from experience that I wouldn't know such as turning 'word verification' off which i'm sure is very helpful to readers and should boost comments.
Gadgets are something new to me - i'm currently in the middle of discovering new ones that should be helpful to my readers and make by blog a bit neater. I also think they are great for readers to explore other posts.
It really is helpful but I recommend that you just select the advice that you need and that you can cope with - there is quite a lot to take in and I don't think you need it all, some of the bits and bobs can make a blog look untidy and disorganized. Be selective and at the end - review your blog to see if it looks too busy, it's like the quote by Coco Chanel : "Always remove one thing before you leave the house. Less is more". However, if you are an extravagant person, don't hold back - your blog should represent you so just edit 'till you like it!
Sorry it's not an interesting post today but who can blame me for enjoying the rare English sun!
Em x